Virtual Floppy Drive

Posted by kakchun | 6:12 AM | | 0 comments »

Virtual Floppy Drive is a free floppy drive emulator that can be run from a portable device. This software enables a user to mount floppy images as a virtual floppy drives. The user can then directly access the contents to perform the same tasks they would from a physical floppy drive.
Launch a program from the virtual floppy, or view, edit, rename, delete and create files on the virtual floppy. Considering that many computers do not ship with a floppy drive anymore, this is a great tool to add to your portable collection.
Authors Website: Virtual Floppy Drive
License: Freeware

How to make a Portable Virtual Floppy Drive

  1. Download VirtualFloppyDrive
  2. Extract the contents from the zip to your USB device
  3. Run vfdwin.exe to launch the program